mode(-1); data=[ [5 3 1]; [7 6 2]; [8 4 3]; ]; matrixlength=3; figure(); a=gca(); a.auto_scale="off"; a.data_bounds = [0 0; 10 10]; // Set the limits on x and y for i=1:matrixlength x=data(i,1) y=data(i,2) class=data(i,3) plot2d(x , y) e=gce(); // Get a handle on the last Compound object point=e.children(1); // Get a handle on the polyline point.mark_mode="on"; // Turn on mark mode (i.e. each point is represented by a small symbol) point.mark_style=class; // Each marker is an integer (see help polyline_properties for a list) point.mark_foreground=class; end