<html><head><style type="text/css"><!-- DIV {margin:0px;} --></style></head><body><div style="font-family:times new roman,new york,times,serif;font-size:12pt"><div>Hi,<br><br>I'm using Scilab 5.2.1 and Xcos under Vista.<br>I'm trying to create a custom C block, unsuccessfully up to now.<br><br>I created my C code, compiled it using ilib_for_link and tested it using a generic block. No problem up to this point.<br>After that, I tried to implement an interface function. I created the function in a ".sci" file. And after that, I don't know how to use it to create a new block.<br><br>I found several tutorials but they refer to scicos and to a "Edit->Add new block function" that seems not to be implemented under Xcos.<br><br>Thank you by advance for your help.<br><br>Best regards,<br>Ben<br></div>