<br>Hi,<br><br>My name is Alexandre K. Tashima from Brazil and I'm getting started with Scilab. It is marvelous and I have already made some codes and graphics to my students. Now I tried to solve a cubic equation of state to describe a phase equilibium problem, but the 'fsolve' function does not seem to converge. So I tried to use a fortran script to solve my numerical problem, but the 'link' function is not working. I tried in the Scilab 5.2.1 for windows and ubuntu, but both show the same error message:<br>
<br>-->link('muller.o','muller')<br>O link falhou para a biblioteca dinâmica 'muller.o'.<br>Um erro ocorreu: muller.o: Não é possivel abrir arquivo de objetos compartilhado: Arquivo ou diretório não encontrado<br>
!--error 236 <br>link: O arquivo compartilhado não foi carregado: (null)<br><br>It says: "It is not possible to open shared files: File or directory not found"<br><br>And I don't undertand why. I also tried to run some scilab codes in the examples, but they also doesn't work. Can you help me?<br>
<br>Best regards,<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Prof. Dr. Alexandre Keiji Tashima<br>Departamento de Ciencias Exatas e da Terra<br>Universidade Federal de Sao Paulo - Campus Diadema<br>Tel: 55-11-4049-3300 ramal 3089<br>