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Le 18/03/2010 10:18, Stéphane Mottelet a écrit :
<blockquote cite="mid:4BA1F001.80609@utc.fr" type="cite">
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Pierre MARECHAL a écrit :
<blockquote cite="mid4BA1ED96.1070300@scilab.org" type="cite">
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Le 18/03/2010 09:35, Stéphane Mottelet a écrit :
<blockquote cite="mid:4BA1E5D5.2060906@utc.fr" type="cite">Samuel
Gougeon a écrit : <br>
<blockquote type="cite">Hi Stéphane, <br>
----- Message d'origine ----- <br>
De : Stéphane Mottelet <br>
Date : 18/03/2010 08:44: <br>
<blockquote type="cite">H i all, <br>
is supposed ATOMS support connections over a proxy server ? <br>
S. <br>
Yes it can. There are 2 ways for doing that: <br>
* To enable support for proxy by any usage of CURL embedded into <br>
Scilab -- so in particular for ATOMS --, add a text file named and
located <br>
at SCI\tools\curl\_curlrc <br>
with a line (example) <br>
proxy = clio2.univ-lemans.fr:3128 <br>
giving the adress and port of the proxy to be used. <br>
* To configure only ATOMS for proxy (and other things) : use
atomsSetConfig() <br>
HTH <br>
Samuel <br>
Hi Samuel, <br>
I had already tried the second solution and was wondering if I missed
something, <br>
but even the second solution does not seem to work. I have put in my
.scilab : <br>
atomsSetConfig('useProxy','true') <br>
atomsSetConfig('proxyHost','proxyweb.utc.fr') <br>
atomsSetConfig('proxyPort','3128') <br>
and also created the curl folder in SCI/tools (it didn't exist before)
and typed within : <br>
proxy = proxyweb.utc.fr:3128 <br>
Atoms still complains about my internet connection. <br>
S. <br>
Hi Stéphane,<br>
Which OS are you using?<br>
OSX, with scilab-master-1267116527<br>
<blockquote cite="mid4BA1ED96.1070300@scilab.org" type="cite"><br>
<em></em>Can you send me the output of this command:<br>
ans =<br>
!useProxy = true !<br>
! !<br>
!proxyPort = 3128 !<br>
! !<br>
!proxyHost = proxyweb.utc.fr !<br>
useProxy configuration is case sensitive: <tt>atomsSetConfig('useProxy','True')</tt>
should fix the problem.<br>
Then, if you are using the MacOSX version, atomsDownload() uses Curl.<br>
If it doesn't work, can you test the following command:<br>
<tt>[$SHELL] curl --proxy proxyweb.utc.fr:3128 --connect-timeout 5 -s
<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://atoms.scilab.org/TOOLBOXES/32/macosx.gz">http://atoms.scilab.org/TOOLBOXES/32/macosx.gz</a> -o
<pre class="moz-signature" cols="72">--
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