<table width='800' cellpadding=0 cellspacig=0 style='border:1px solid #CCCCCC;border-bottom:3px solid #2068B0;font-size:12px' id='mail_anunt'>
<td colspan='2' style='background-color:#2068B0;color:#FFFFFF;height:25px;font-size:22px;padding:10px;font-weight:bold;'>
<td valign='top' style='background-color:#F2F2F2;padding:15px;'>
<b>petrialucian@yahoo.com</b> ti-a trimis fisiere folosind <span style='color:#2068B0;font-weight:bold'>Transfer.ro</span> impreuna cu urmatorul mesaj:<br /><br />
<td valign='top' style='background-color:#F2F2F2;padding:15px;'>
<b>petrialucian@yahoo.com</b> has sent you some files using <span style='color:#2068B0;font-weight:bold'>Transfer.ro</span> with the following message:<br /><br />
<td colspan='2' style='margin-left:20px;border:1px dashed #009900;padding:5px;text-align:justify;background-color:#FFFFCC;font-style:italic'>
And i what to process the information. So if i enter from the keyboard<br />Curent the program should show me it\'s value, that is \"99\"...and soo on.<br />Thenumbers below the \"-----------\" should be in 2 vectors, one V1 for positive<br />nr and V2 for negative. I made this for a startes but it doesn\'t work :( .<br />Pls give me some hints soo and cand get on with it ! TKS A LOT<br /><br />///<br />strMrVarNames =[\"Curent\";\"Power\";\"Torque\";\"Presure\";\"Angle\"];<br />strMrValues = [\"\";\"\";\"\";\"\";\"\"];<br />[txt]=mgetl(\'Var_fin.txt\'); //get all lines<br />iNrOfLines=size (txt,1);<br />iNrOfLines1=size(strMrVarNames,1)<br />for i=1:iNrOfLines<br />txt(i);<br />//if we have \'/\'<br />if strindex( txt(i),\'/\') == 1 then<br /><br />A=(tokens(txt(i),[\'/\',\':\']))\'; //Splits text in 2 coloms (value and name)<br />//A(1,$); //gives the value<br />//A($,1); //gives the variable<br /><br />Name=A($,1)<br />Value=A(1,$);<br />for j=1:iNrOfLines1<br />val;<b
r />strMrVarNames(j);<br />if strcmp(Name,strMrVarNames(i,j))==1 then<br />disp(\"OK\")<br />strMrValues=Value;<br />else strMrValues(i)=\"null\";<br /><br />end//if<br />end//for<br />end //if<br />end<br />strMrValues<br />strMrVarNames<br />
<td valign='top' style='padding:5px;'>
Fisierele care ti-au fost transferate sunt <br /><b>notepad.exe</b><br />
Click pe linkul de mai jos pentru a le downloada:
<td valign='top' style='padding:5px;'>
Click on the link below to download the files:
<td colspan='2' style='padding:7px;'>
<h1 style='font-size:22px'><a href='http://www.transfer.ro/storage/transfer_ro-16Apr-beab8e73c237.zip' style='color:#009900;'>http://www.transfer.ro/storage/transfer_ro-16Apr-beab8e73c237.zip</a></h1>
<td valign='top' style='padding:5px;'>Fisierele vor fi sterse automat dupa <b>10 zile</b>.</td>
<td valign='top' style='padding:5px;'>The files will be deleted automaticaly after <b>10 days</b>.</td>
<td colspan='2'>
<a href='http://www.transfer.ro/storage/transfer_ro-16Apr-beab8e73c237.zip'><img src='http://s6.transfer.ro/images/save.jpg?h=%hash%' alt="Pentru a salva fisierele in calculator click iar apoi alegeti 'Save AS' "></a>
<td colspan='2' style='background-color:#2068B0;color:#FFFFFF;font-size:12px;padding:6px;'>
<a href='http://www.transfer.ro/?utm_source=notice_mail&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=internal'><font color='white'>Transfer.ro</font></a> este un serviciu profesional securizat care permite transferul de fisiere mari (pana la 1GB) catre orice adresa de e-mail.
<p>Pentru sugestii,probleme sau feedback ne puteti contacta la <a href='mailto:simina@transfer.ro'>
<font color='white'>simina@transfer.ro</font></a> sau telefonic Luni-Vineri intre orele 10-18 la 031-710.10.73
<td colspan='2' style='background-color:white'>
<!-- ARENFO#petrialucian@yahoo.com<<<%dest%<<<http://www.transfer.ro/storage/transfer_ro-16Apr-beab8e73c237.zip<<<And i what to process the information. So if i enter from the keyboard<br />Curent the program should show me it\'s value, that is \"99\"...and soo on.<br />Thenumbers below the \"-----------\" should be in 2 vectors, one V1 for positive<br />nr and V2 for negative. I made this for a startes but it doesn\'t work :( .<br />Pls give me some hints soo and cand get on with it ! TKS A LOT<br /><br />///<br />strMrVarNames =[\"Curent\";\"Power\";\"Torque\";\"Presure\";\"Angle\"];<br />strMrValues = [\"\";\"\";\"\";\"\";\"\"];<br />[txt]=mgetl(\'Var_fin.txt\'); //get all lines<br />iNrOfLines=size (txt,1);<br />iNrOfLines1=size(strMrVarNames,1)<br />for i=1:iNrOfLines<br />txt(i);<br />//if we have \'/\'<br />if strindex( txt(i),\'/\') == 1 then<br /><br />A=(tokens(txt(i),[\'/\',\':\']))\'; //Splits text in 2 coloms (value and name)<br />//A(1,$); //gives the value<br
/>//A($,1); //gives the variable<br /><br />Name=A($,1)<br />Value=A(1,$);<br />for j=1:iNrOfLines1<br />val;<br />strMrVarNames(j);<br />if strcmp(Name,strMrVarNames(i,j))==1 then<br />disp(\"OK\")<br />strMrValues=Value;<br />else strMrValues(i)=\"null\";<br /><br />end//if<br />end//for<br />end //if<br />end<br />strMrValues<br />strMrVarNames<<<notepad.exe<<<#ARENFO %speed% -->