Hi, <br><br><br>I'm programming in fortran and I link to scilab, recently you change the<br>version to scilab 5.2.2.<br><br>I could to link my dynamic lybrary in version 5.1.1 but when I compile<br>my rutines again on version 5.2.2, appear this message <br>
<br><br>"... error:'sci_gateway' undeclared here (not in a function)"<br><br>I saw de rutine mex.h (I use this file to compile) and I notice changes<br>to version 5.1.1 to 5.2.2 for example the variable "sci_gateway" it<br>
isn't in second version, the reason of my problem ...<br><br><br>How can I fix that? ...<br><br>I'd appreciate some help or some way to solve it.<br><br><br>Greetings<br><br>Atte: César Carreón Otañez<br>