Dear Scilab users<br><br>Is-it possible to handle Scilab structures with the Scilab API, ie read a Scilab structure in a C code, or write a Scilab structure from a C code?<br>In Scilab API help, there is no function that proposes to do this. Or I have not found the right one...<br>
<br>For example, I would like to read in C the structure Scilab SC<br>SC(1).x=[1];<br>SC(1).y=[1 3];<br>SC(2).x=[1 2 10];<br>
SC(2).y=[1 6 98 35 14];<br><br><br>To be more precise, I am trying to convert a MatLab mex program to Scilab with arguments given as structure. I am looking for the Scilab-C equivalent<br>mxGetFieldNumber<br>mxCreateStructArray<br>
mxSetFieldByNumber<br><br>By the way, I just discover the function ilib_mex_build, that is based on mexlib.c.<br>Does this work for any Matab mex code?<br>Is this solution reliable?<br>Is this solution recommended to convert Matab mex code to Scilab?<br>
<br><br>Best regards<br><br>Guillaume<br><br><br>