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Hello,<BR>I am writing this email in order to ask some questions about Scicos and Scilab.<BR>Firstly, I want to open a .jpg file in a frame but i have some problems because i do not know which command use. <BR>Secondly, i need to do a similar thing with a graphics window of the result of a xcos simulation. I need to show it in a frame of a GUI. In both cases i intent to do it but the jpg file and the graphics windows open in a new window, and this is not what i need.<BR>So,I would be gratefull if you could help me with this problem.In addition, if you have an example and you could send me it,it will help me, too. <BR><BR>Thanks,<BR>Luciana <BR> <br /><hr /> <a href='' target='_new'></a></body>