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Greetings Scilab Team<br><br>First of all, let me congratulate you fior the development of such an extraordinary software, which is gaining more and more supporters each and has certainly gained mine.<br><br>Here is my question. When I download Scilab for windows, I can choose the language and I choose English.<br>But when I am working with Linux (Ubuntu), since I am Portuguese, I use the Portuguese language definitons for Ubuntu. When I try to install Scilab in Linux, it is allways installed in Portuguese (Brazillian) but I want to install it in English, because i don't like the brazillian version.<br><br>How can I do that?<br><br>Keep up the good work.<br><br>Best Regards. <br>
Miguel Moura Paredes<br>
<a href="mailto:mig.m.p@hotmail.com">mig.m.p@hotmail.com</a><br>
--------------------<br><br><br> <br /><hr />Correio Electrónico e Muito Mais Enquanto Viaja. Obtenha o Windows Live Hotmail Gratuito. <a href='https://signup.live.com/signup.aspx?id=60969' target='_new'>Inscreva-se já.</a></body>