Hi, <br><br>I am currently using <b>Scilab-master-1279908969</b> and also <b>Scilab-5.3.0-beta-2</b>.<br><br>I have been trying to understand the working of ''C Block 2'' and hence made a very simple test model in Xcos (Please look at the attachement test1.xcos).<br>
<b><br></b>The content of the Funtion definition in C was enetered as follows..<br><br><b>#</b>include <math.h><br>#include <stdlib.h><br>#include <scicos_block.h><br>void toto(scicos_block *block,int flag)<br>
{<br> double u,y;<br> u=block->inptr[0][0];<br> y=u+u+u;<br> block->outptr[0][0]=y;<br>}<br><br>After clicking 'ok' and exiting the dialog box the following message was shown on the Scilab Console :<br><br>
!Wrong number of input arguments: !<br>! !<br>!Arguments are : !<br clear="all"><br>And after running the model following error appeared:<br>
<br>!--error 999 <br>mputl: Wrong type for input argument #1: String expected.<br>at line 60 of function recur_scicos_block_link called by : <br>at line 27 of function build_block called by : <br>at line 80 of function c_pass1 called by : <br>
at line 50 of function do_compile called by : <br>at line 96 of function do_update called by : <br>at line 142 of function xcos_simulate called by : <br>icos_debug(0); xcos_simulate(scs_m, 4); ;notify("-1273512298")<br>
while executing a callback !<br><br>Also the C-block used in one of the demo files <b>C:\Program Files\scilab-5.3.0-beta-2\modules\xcos\demos\pendulum_anim5.xcos</b> does not seem to work properly. C-Block does not recognize the Real parameters vector taken from the context menu and hence the model does not work. <br>
<br>Please guide me on this issue and let me know my mistakes. This would be helpful for me to use the C Block 2 for more complicated applications. Thanks in anticipation.<br>-- <br>Sanjeev Pandey <br><br>Graduate Student,<br>
Process Systems Engineering<br>Helsinki University of Technology,Finland<br>