Hi All,<br><br>I want to plot 200 points in scilab and excuted the following codes 10 times continuously.<br><br>u=mopen('0r.dat');<br>[n a b]=mfscanf(-1,u,'%s %e');<br>mclose(u);<br>c=matrix(b,2,200);<br>u=mopen('0.dat');<br>
[n a b]=mfscanf(-1,u,'%s %e');<br>mclose(u);<br>d=matrix(b,2,200);<br>plot(d(1,:),d(2,:)./c(2,:));<br><br>The figure is printed correctly every time. However, after I leave this software alone for about 2 hours, when I retype this code again, scilab automatically close after excuting plot.<br>
<br>I tried to remove the software and install it again. It solved the problem at the first time, but after I excute the codes again. the problem happened again. I decided to reinstall scilab the second time. but this time the problem is not solved.<br>
<br>WHY? <br>How can I fix it? <br>-- <br>孙月 mit freundlichen grüßen<br><br><br>