Dear Scilab development group,<br><br>I am using "Matlab to Scilab translator tool" of Scilab 5.2. However, I got the message while converting my file like this:<br><br><b>Startup execution:<br> loading initial environment<br>
-- File /home/thienbinh/LOTUS/RESULTS/Simulink2Mac/simulink2mac.m contains more than one function -- <br> -- Each function converted separately: mdl2dot system2dot libref_name is_a_libref set_as_processed processed get_filename write_toplevel_file compute_ports_data_type rewrite_string get_portId_from_copy blocks_to_dot_nodes block_to_dot_node lines_to_dot_edges -- <br>
-- Temporary files put in: /tmp/SD_22164_/ -- <br> !--error 999 <br>mputl: Wrong type for input argument: A string <a href=""></a> line 16 of function mputl called by : <br>at line 105 of function multi_fun_file called by : <br>
at line 27 of function mfile2sci called by : <br>at line 142 of function cb_m2sci_gui called by : <br>if exists("gcbo") then %oldgcbo = gcbo; end;gcbo = getcallbackobject(13);cb_m2sci_gui;if exists("%oldgcbo") then gcbo = %oldgcbo; else clear gcbo; end;<br>
while executing a callback</b><br><br>I attached my Matlab file with this email. <br><br>Please help me!<br><br clear="all">Thanks and best regards,<br><br>DANG THIEN BINH<br>Address: 34 Duong Quang Ham street, Da Nang city, Viet Nam<br>
Mobile: 0935556678, 0914353516<br>Home: 05103828222<br>