Hi,<br><br>I have problem with creating loop. <br>I want to create one loop in which are another several (maybe 20) loops, but my problem is contecting wih correct definition of this loop. I have one matrix (call it 'A') with datas which are using in the next loops. And the idea of this loop is to take some data from matrix A, use next function. When loops will count everything what I want and create new matrix with new data. Later it has to use new data and data in matrix A to repeat all this function untill will be used all the thata from the matrix A (data which will used are deleted from this matrix).<br clear="all">
<span id="result_box" class="" lang="en"><span style="" title="">If you didn't understand me I can send scilab file with this function.<br></span></span><br>-- <br>Marcin Wo¼niczka<br>