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----- Message d'origine ----- <br>
De : hadi motamedi <br>
Date : 26/10/2010 14:17:
<pre wrap="">To make use of your comment, I am trying as the following:
->im = imread(SCI + '/contrib/SIVP/0.5.3-2/images/boats.png');
But it is not successful. Can you please let me know how to convert
the image to the suitable vector for applying mfft?
<a href="cid:part1.04020107.00060502@univ-lemans.fr"></a><br>
<tt>im = grand(576,720,"uin",0,255);<br>
a = abs(mfft(im,-1,size(im)));<br>
m = a(1);<br>
a(1) = 0;<br>
q = quart(a);<br>
f = gcf();<br>
f.color_map = jetcolormap(255);<br>
clf, Matplot(a/q(3)*180)<br>
// plots a nice hologram of noise<br>
So, mfft() looks to work fine.<br>