<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" ><tr><td valign="top" style="font: inherit;">Among free softwares the circuit simulator Qucs has a very good toolbox
to project filters. In it you chose the kind of filter(chebyshev,
butterwoth, cauer etc), the cutting frequencies, gain etc and it will
give you a schematic of a filter which fit those specifications.If you
use Linux, in Ubuntu and Fedora you can find the Qucs easily in it's
respective pack manegers.<br><br>http://qucs.sourceforge.net/<br><br>Several months ago I had to project some filtres. I've chose do it using only free softwares. I had to project Active and passive filters. I coul do it sucessfoully with Scilab. One of those filters was a Butterworth. The scilab poly function was exelent to do it. <br><br>Well. A good way to project an ACTIVE Butterworth Filter using Scilab was project first the equivalent low-pass filter. So you use: s=poly(0,'s'), with s you wright the thansfer function ex: p=1/((s+1)*(s+3)). If your filter is not a low pass you should use the frequency transform. For example, to high pass filter you should type after it:z=poly(0,'z'); s=2*%pi*450000/z; p and now the scilab will show the polynomial function after the frequency transformation. With scilab's bode ploting function you can see the bode diagram for this function.<br><br>For passive filters I used another procedure.<br><br><br><br>I'm
sending my script file which I used in my project of a high pass Chevychev filter. In a Butterworth one only the polynomial chances.<br><br>--- Em <b>ter, 9/11/10, hadi motamedi <i><motamedi24@gmail.com></i></b> escreveu:<br><blockquote style="border-left: 2px solid rgb(16, 16, 255); margin-left: 5px; padding-left: 5px;"><br>De: hadi motamedi <motamedi24@gmail.com><br>Assunto: Re: [scilab-Users] 3D plot of Butterworth polynomial?<br>Para: users@lists.scilab.org<br>Data: Terça-feira, 9 de Novembro de 2010, 3:18<br><br><div class="plainMail">On 11/7/10, Ronald Michaels <<a ymailto="mailto:ron@phenotypescreening.com" href="/mc/compose?to=ron@phenotypescreening.com">ron@phenotypescreening.com</a>> wrote:<br>> Hi -<br>><br>> Assuming that you want a circular filter:<br>><br>> Take the first equation in your link below and set a and b to 1. Then<br>> set the origin of the x,y axis system to the center of your image,
i.e.<br>> x = 0 and y = 0 at center of image. Calculate r for each x,y pixel<br>> location. Then use r in the second equation in link to find the value<br>> of the filter for that x,y location. Find the equivalent position in<br>> image coordinates (u,v) and place filter value there in Filter array.<br>><br>> Ron<br>><br>><br>Thank you very much for your help. Sorry do you know a free software<br>application that lets me to write complex mathematical expressions? It<br>seems that I didn't describe my case exactly so I need to write the<br>expression by my own and then ask you what I need to do with obtaining<br>such a 2-D filter?<br></div></blockquote></td></tr></table><br>