Hey Guys,<br><br> I just spent the last hour googling around and reading anything I could find to help diagnose my problem with SciLab. I don't think it is a bug. The problem seems to be related to JOGL. I've installed a fresh copy of SciLab 5.2.2 x64 to match my x64 Windows 7 install. Everything works great with SciLab until I try to issue a "plot(x,y)" command at which point SciLab crashes. Even something simple like this causes problems<br>
<br>x = 0 : 0.1 : 10<br>y = sin(x)<br>plot(x,y);<br><br>I've tried all the different usecanvas(%T) tricks I can find. Then I noticed in some of the bug reports the developers were asking people to check the JOGL demo programs and verify that JOGL is working. I went to the JOGL site and tried the gears demo and sure enough the gears demo crashes out. It seems like JOGL isn't installed or it can't be found.<br>
<br>In short,<br><br>1. Are the JOGL binaries installed with SciLab?<br><br>2. Is there a path issue that might be causing them to be hidden?<br><br>Thanks,<br>Ty<br>