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<span class="Apple-style-span" style="border-collapse: separate;
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word-spacing: 0px; font-size: medium;"><span
class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family:
Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 11px;"></span></span>Noticed
the small line at the end of the Matlab/min: "The min function
ignores NaNs.". This is not written in the help page Scilab/min, but
I guess that this is also true.<br>
Now, Matlab is more consistent :<br>
>> min([1 nan])<br>
ans =<br>
>> min(1,nan)<br>
ans =<br>
while Scilab is weird :<br>
-->min([1 %nan])<br>
ans =<br>
1. <br>
ans =<br>
Nan <br>
I think that you have found a 2 more bugs (that is, added with the
bug #7608), i.e. :<br>
1. nans are ignored by Scilab inside a matrix, but not across the
input arguments,<br>
2. this is not explicitely written in the help page. <br>
I guess that the particular processing of Nans in the loop over the
arguments has just been forgotten. <br>
Would you mind to submit these bug report please ?<br>
Best regards,<br>
Michaël Baudin<br>
Le 24/11/2010 11:54, Michaël Baudin a écrit :
<blockquote cite="mid:4CECEEE1.9070503@scilab.org" type="cite">Ahah...
In Scilab:
-->min([1 2 3 %nan])
ans =
ans =
This is fun...
In Matlab:
>> min([1 2 3 nan])
ans =
>> min(1,2,3,nan)
??? Error using ==> min
Too many input arguments.
So Matlab does not support the y=min(x1,x2,x3) calling sequence,
but Scilab do. On the other hand, Scilab results are weird with
nans, at least.
Le 24/11/2010 11:47, Mathieu Dubois a écrit :
<blockquote type="cite">On 11/24/2010 11:40 AM, Michaël Baudin
<blockquote type="cite">Hi,
The expected result is actually the matrix of Nans. If you had
found another result, that would have been a bug. Even more,
we have similar automatic checks that this is so - see the
following unit test :
<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://gitweb.scilab.org/?p=scilab.git;a=blob;f=scilab/modules/elementary_functions/tests/unit_tests/IEEEcompatibility.tst;h=778fc00d4833f54fce6324ac917bac725d6f9e19;hb=HEAD">http://gitweb.scilab.org/?p=scilab.git;a=blob;f=scilab/modules/elementary_functions/tests/unit_tests/IEEEcompatibility.tst;h=778fc00d4833f54fce6324ac917bac725d6f9e19;hb=HEAD</a>
Notice that this test is mainly for +,-,*,/,sqrt, the
operations which are specified by the IEEE754 standard. With
respect to Nan, these tests says that "Nan on input, then Nan
on output". In the IEEE754 standard, the authors use the term
"Nan propagation". More informations on this topic are given
by "Handbook of Floating Point Arithmetic", by Muller et al..
See the sections "2.3 - Exceptions" and "3.1.5 Exceptions
specified by IEEE754-1985".
That sounds like a sane convention but then, just out of
curiosity, how do you explain that min([1 2 3 %nan]) returns 1?
<blockquote type="cite">
If you want to perform the computation without the nans, you
may combine the "find" and "isnan" functions. For example, the
k = find(isnan(a))
you get the indices where a is a nan. Now, the statement:
sets to zero the entries where Nan is present.
But be warned: Nans are *designed* to be propagated. That is,
if your input data contains Nans, that means that some
previous computations has already failed. The Nans should not
be, in general, just ignored and thrown away.
Best regards,
Michaël Baudin
Le 24/11/2010 10:11, Frederic Jourdin a écrit :
<blockquote type="cite">Hi all !
if I run this:
a= [ 1, %nan; 4, 4];
b= [ %nan, 3; 3, 6];
c= [ 2, 2; %nan, %nan];
min( a, b, c)
Scilab returns the following matrix:
while the expected matrix should be:
1 2
3 4
Scilab 5.3.0.beta3 on Linux
<pre class="moz-signature" cols="72">--
Michaël Baudin
Ingénieur de développement
<a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href="mailto:michael.baudin@scilab.org">michael.baudin@scilab.org</a>
Consortium Scilab - Digiteo
Domaine de Voluceau - Rocquencourt
B.P. 105 - 78153 Le Chesnay Cedex
Tel. : 01 39 63 56 87 - Fax : 01 39 63 55 94