<html><head><style type="text/css"><!-- DIV {margin:0px;} --></style></head><body><div style="font-family:'times new roman', 'new york', times, serif;font-size:12pt;color:#ff0000;"><div></div><div>Hi,</div><div> I'm using Scilab 5.2.2 on Ubuntu Lucid.</div><div><br></div><div> I have defined the functions qfunc.sci and randsrc.sci in the directory ~/Downloads/scilab-5.2.2/comm and load them through the command </div><div><br></div><div>genlib('comm','~/Downloads/scilab-5.2.2/comm')</div><div><br></div><div>in my scilab script test.sce. While this works, I want the functions from my 'comm' directory to be available permanently without having to use genlib each time. Is there a simple way to do this? The toolbox creation method seems too complicated to me right now.</div><div><br></div><div>Vishwanath.<br> </div><br><div><br></div><div style="position:fixed"></div>