Dear all,<br><br>Recently I moved from Ubuntu32+scilab 4.1.2 (32bit) to scilab 5.3.0 (64bit), as I am now using Ubuntu 64 version.<br>I had a bunch of external C functions linked to scilab using intersci, and now I have some problems using them.<br>
example, when dealing with arrays, indexes are a little bit confusing.
It looks like when trying to access index "n" in array, the program
actually operates on index "2*n".<br>Here I posted a simple example,
where I try to manipulate data on an array. Please, try to check array
elemID after calling the "soma_inteiros" function. C code and desc file
are also attached. Note that the sum operation works fine (variable c
receives 5, which is correct for 4+1).<br>Has anyone seen any similar problem or know how to solve this?<br><br>Regards,<br><br clear="all">-- <br>Eduardo Torrecillas<br>AER-09<br>