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<div>I am working on SCILAB/XCOS and i am new to it. I need a help regarding 2 issue-</div>
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<div>1.Like in MATLAB/SIMULINK there is a library where you can create a block and then copy that block into main model and whatever changes you make in library block it reflect back into your main model. So how we can do same thing in XCOS.</div>
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<div>2. When i copy any superblock, the links inside that block get disturbed. It is randomly oriented. So how can we correct that.</div>
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<div>Kindly reply to these problem as soon as possible .It will be very helpful to me.</div>
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<div>Thanks & Regards</div>
<div>Rohit Goyal</div>
<div>Email <a href="mailto:id-rohitgoyal1088@gmail.com">id - rohitgoyal1088@gmail.com</a></div>
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