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You might be interested in this SEP (Linking variables) and (short)
related discussion:<br>
<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://mailinglists.scilab.org/Two-SEPs-tt2611354.html">http://mailinglists.scilab.org/Two-SEPs-tt2611354.html</a><br>
----- Message d'origine ----- <br>
De : Pierre JUILLARD <br>
Date : 24/03/2011 16:51:
<div>Hi guys,</div>
<div> </div>
<div>I would like to submit 3 ideas to Scilab developpers that may
be of interest or not (as a potential user, I find them
interesting :)).</div>
<div>I haven't find a clue if such functionalities are already
available, and I don't know if I should add them to the Scilab
bug tracker or write a SEP or something else. If one of the
developper find them interesting, I can add them to the idea
page for GSoC.</div>
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<div> </div>
<div><strong>Idea 1</strong>: generation of doxygen-like
documentation and/or UML diagrams from Scilab set of
scripts </div>
<div> </div>
<div>Context: let's assume a guy is developping/maintaining quite
a number of modelling toolboxes written in Scilab.</div>
<div>In order to share then the library development with other
people, it would be easier to have a tool able to generate
graphs showing the organization of the toolboxes, with
hyperlinks to documentation pages containing what can be said of
this or that Scilab functions, and so on...</div>
<div> </div>
<div>Origin of the idea: the doxygen documentation of the VTK
library, for instance:</div>
<div><a moz-do-not-send="true"
<div> </div>
<div>Addtionnal idea: have it available as a service on <a
<div> </div>
<div><strong>Idea 2</strong>: implementation of a:</div>
<div>- spreadsheet user interface quite similar to excel or
openoffice calc (should it be a port of openoffice calc?) with
standard function like possibility to define functions in a
cell and so on...</div>
<div>- implementation of an "intelligent" parser able to save
the content of the spreadsheet into scilab scripts.</div>
<div>Basically, such Scilab scripts would contain definition
of variables and matrix operations.</div>
<div> </div>
<div>It maybe complex, but till now, as a basic user of excel, I
have not find any content that I could not translate into
Scilab scripts.</div>
<div>I guess that however, quite a number of "default"
behaviours should be defined like how to name this or that
variable in Scilab scripts if a name has not been defined in
the spreadsheet view.</div>
<div>In addition, a function that would allow keeping track of
the variable positions (in which cell was written this value
ofr this vector?) in the spreadsheet view will be necessary
when writing the corresponding Scilab scripts</div>
<div> </div>
<div>- through the spreadsheet view, ease the massive number of
excel users to be able to start using Scilab for classical
matrices operations</div>
<div>- ease in Scilab matrix manipulations by offering a
traditionnal spreadsheet easy to use (without having to manage
scripts, and wonder if the arrows and columns are correctly
matching at matrix operations and so on...)</div>
<div> </div>
<div><strong>Idea 3</strong>: (after Idea 2) port the excel
file reading function from openoffice to Scilab that would
be able to feed the spreadsheet user interface implemented
in Idea 2. With the saving functions developped in Idea 2 as
well,one would obtain an Excel to Scilab translator.</div>
<div> </div>
<div>- Have an excel translator in Scilab</div>
<div> </div>
<div> </div>
<div>What do you think of it?</div>
<div> </div>
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