Hello,<br><br>I try to create a MList like this :<br><i><br>SciErr _SciErr;<br>int * piMList = NULL;<br>_SciErr = createNamedMList(pvApiCtx, "Dakota", SCI_NUMBER_OF_FIELDS, &piMList);</i><i><br>if (_SciErr.iErr)<br>
{<br> Cerr << "Error (Direct:Scilab): 1 "<< std::endl;<br> printError(&_SciErr,0);<br> }</i><br><br>When I launch the code, there is no error <span id="result_box" class="long_text short_text" lang="en"><span title="Cliquer ici pour voir d'autres traductions" class="hps">seems to be happening.<br>
<br>After, I use SendScilabJob to take control of Scilab, and to test if the MList was created ("who") :<br><br><i>SendScilabJob("pause;");<br><br></i>But, I constat that the MList Dakota was not created.<br>
<br>However, when I did the same manipulation with : <i>_SciErr = createNamedMatrixOfDouble(pvApiCtx, "Dakota", 1, 1, &tmp_dbl);<br></i>the MatrixOfDouble Dakota was created.<br><br><br></span></span><span id="result_box" class="short_text" lang="en"><span title="Cliquer ici pour voir d'autres traductions" class="hps">anybody know</span>s <span title="Cliquer ici pour voir d'autres traductions" class="hps">where</span> <span title="Cliquer ici pour voir d'autres traductions" class="hps">is the problem </span><span class="" title="Cliquer ici pour voir d'autres traductions">?</span></span><br>