Hello,<br><br>sum, prod etc. are predefined functions in scilab.<br><br>if some one with out knowing the name of the predefind function use it as avariable name, as follows:<br><br><br>-->A=[2,3,4,78]<br> A =<br> <br>
2. 3. 4. 78. <br> <br>-->sum(A)<br> ans =<br> <br> 87. <br> <br>-->sum=96<br> sum =<br> <br> 96. <br> <br>-->sum(A)<br> !--error 21 <br>Invalid index.<br><br><br><br> scilab not even complains. In old versions at least there was some error message.<br>
<br>This happens in the current session only.<br>Is there any way to protect the predefined functions and their names?<br>I think we should declare these function names as predefined functions.<br><br clear="all"><br>-- <br>
Manjusha S. Joshi <br> <br>blog:<a href="http://manjushajoshi.wordpress.com/">http://manjushajoshi.wordpress.com/</a><br><br> <br><br>