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Could you show us the actual loop? <br>
On 03/10/2011 17:12, grivet wrote:
<blockquote cite="mid:4E89D0DB.8060405@cnrs-orleans.fr" type="cite">Hello,
I wish to solve a system of linear differential equations of first
x' = Rx
with R a symmetric matrix of coefficients. The formal solution is
x = S*exp(Kt)*inv(S)*x(0)
where S is the matrix that diagonalizes R:
K = inv(S)*R*S
With Scilab, I would do, for instance, t = 0:0.01:10, but then,
what is the best way to
compute exp(Kt) and the above matrix product ?
Up to now, I have worked with 2*2 matrices R and K, so that I
compute exp[K(1,1)*t(i)], exp[K(2,2)*t(i) and x(t(i)) within
a loop, but that doesnot seem very efficient.
Thanks in advance
JP Grivet
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