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On 12/10/2011 20:09, Ricardo Fabbri wrote:
<pre wrap="">Hello, all,
- Is there anything like a search PATH setting? For instance, I would
like to execute myscript.sce, but without specifying its full path. I
would also like to load a function automatically if it is in the path,
more or less matlab style.
hi ridacrdo<br>
did you check the following scilab functions?<br>
cd : changes current path<br>
getd : loads functions quite automatically<br>
and also:<br>
get_absolute_file_path: get the file pah of a current opened file<br>
myself, i frequently start my sce files with:<br>
modeldir = get_absolute_file_path("myfile.sce")<br>
getd(modeldir) //or getd(modeldir+filesep()+"lib") when i have a
lot of functions, i put them in a subfolder named "lib"<br>
hope this helps<br>
<div class="moz-signature">-- <br>
Adrien Vogt-Schilb (Cired) <br>
Tel: (+33) 1 43 94 <b>73 77</b></div>