Good to know, thanks.<br><br>I was also trying to get the greatest number of users informed, not just the maintainers.<br>Each place allows for a type of discussion.<br><br>Anyways, I agree, from now on let's try to stay on the bug report.<br>
<br>On Monday, October 17, 2011, Sylvestre Ledru <<a href=""></a>> wrote:<br>> FYI, we (the Scilab consortium) are maintaining the Debian/Ubuntu<br>> packages. So, reporting a bug against launchpad or in the Scilab bug<br>
> tracker is basically the same thing.<br>><br>> About the 10106 bug itself, I would like to keep the discussion in the<br>> bug report itself. Thanks.<br>><br>> Sylvestre<br>><br>> PS: Launchpad votes are usually not very useful.<br>
><br>><br>><br>> Le lundi 17 octobre 2011 à 17:15 -0200, Ricardo Fabbri a écrit :<br>>> Please vote this bug by clicking on "this bug also affects me" on the<br>>> top-left corner:<br>>><br>
>><br>>> <a href=""></a><br>>><br>>> Ricardo<br>>> --<br>>> Linux registered user #175401<br>
>> <a href=""></a><br>>><br>>><br>>><br>>> On Mon, Oct 17, 2011 at 4:15 PM, ac17 <<a href=""></a>> wrote:<br>
>> > Hello,<br>>> ><br>>> > I have the same issue since the upgrade in 11.10 version...<br>>> ><br>>> ><br>>> > On 17/10/2011 19:47, Ricardo Fabbri wrote:<br>>> >><br>
>> >> Hi,<br>>> >><br>>> >> does anybody here have a working scilab in ubuntu 11.10? Plotting<br>>> >> anything hangs scilab for me:<br>>> >> plot(1:10,1:10).<br>
>> >><br>>> >> I reported this as bug #10106<br>>> >> <a href=""></a><br>>> >><br>
>> >> But I just wonder if other people using Ubuntu Oneiric encoutered the<br>>> >> same problem.<br>>> >> Ricardo<br>>> >> --<br>>> >> Linux registered user #175401<br>
>> >> <a href=""></a><br>>> ><br>>> ><br>><br>><br>><br><br>-- <br><br>Ricardo<br>--<br>Linux registered user #175401<br>
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