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i'd avoid using xls_open, which i found not very reliable with large
i'd try to save the excel sheet as a tsv file (text separated by
tabs), then read it from scilab with read_csv, then sparse myself
the date strings with an ad hoc function<br>
let me know if you find dificulties<br>
On 17/11/2011 12:41, Petter Wingren wrote:
<pre wrap="">I am trying to read an excel file that looks somewhat like this (only
a lot bigger):
Download Time 19:54:08
Download Date 11-21-2010
11/21/2010 19:43:30 0
11/21/2010 19:43:40 0
11/21/2010 19:43:50 0
11/21/2010 19:44:00 0
11/21/2010 19:44:10 0
11/21/2010 19:44:20 0
11/21/2010 19:44:30 518
11/21/2010 19:44:40 1139
11/21/2010 19:44:50 1035
11/21/2010 19:45:00 501
11/21/2010 19:45:10 449
11/21/2010 19:45:20 901
11/21/2010 19:45:30 545
11/21/2010 19:45:40 113
11/21/2010 19:45:50 1
11/21/2010 19:46:00 37
11/21/2010 19:46:10 17
11/21/2010 19:46:20 71
After I've read it I want to crop it according to a specific time and
keep the values in the second column.
However, when I do
[fd,SST,Sheetnames,Sheetpos] = xls_open('file.xls')
[Value,TextInd] = xls_read(fd,Sheetpos)
Value only contains *** in the first column, and TextInd mostly zeroes.
Any suggestions on how to get those timestamps?
<div class="moz-signature">-- <br>
Adrien Vogt-Schilb (Cired) <br>
Tel: (+33) 1 43 94 <b>73 77</b></div>