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The common.h file does not see your file cxcore.h, which should be
in the thirdparty folder.<br>
Why don't you use the binary version provided by the portal <a
href="http://www.atoms.scilab.org/toolboxes/SIVP">atoms</a>, and
install it using atomsInstall("SIVP") ? Do you have to compile it
On 18/01/2012 05:55, Berns Buenaobra wrote:
type="cite">Hello all:<br>
For some reason if I install the prior version of SIVP which is
0.5.2 using the line invocation on an offline mode using cd
SCI/contrib/sivp-0.5.2 then followed by exec('builder.sce') all
went well with no errors unlike when I tried to install the latest
version of SIVP-0.5.3 I have the following errors:<br>
files\scilab-5.3.3\contrib\sivp-0.5.3\sci_gateway\c\common.h(43) :
fatal error C1083: C!<br>
! annot open include file: 'cxcore.h': Invalid
argument !<br>
!NMAKE : fatal error U1077: '"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual
Studio 9.0\VC\bin\cl.EXE"' : return!<br>
! code
!--error 10000 <br>
ilib_compile: Error while executing Makelib.mak.<br>
at line 76 of function ilib_compile called by : <br>
at line 107 of function ilib_build called by : <br>
at line 133 of function tbx_build_gateway called by : <br>
inter_ldflags , inter_cflags )<br>
at line 98 of exec file called by : <br>
at line 13 of function tbx_builder called by : <br>
at line 49 of function tbx_builder_gateway_lang called by :
tbx_builder_gateway_lang(languages, sci_gateway_dir);<br>
at line 6 of exec file called by : <br>
at line 13 of function tbx_builder called by : <br>
at line 32 of function tbx_builder_gateway called by : <br>
at line 34 of exec file called by : <br>
What can be wrong with the update?<br>
Berns B.<br>
<pre class="moz-signature" cols="72">--
Simon Gareste
Support & Development Engineer
Consortium Scilab-DIGITEO</pre>