Greetings !<br> <br> We, students of SICSR and Pune Linux Users Group(PLUG) invite you for the 10th year of GNUnify, one of India's biggest Open Source Forum.<br><br>This year's GNUnify focuses in<br><ul><li> Mobile Computing</li>
<li> Cloud Computing</li><li> System Programming</li><li> Installation fests</li><li> Emerging Technologies</li><li> System Administration</li><li> Security</li><li> Web Technologies </li></ul><br>
We invite your expertise in different technologies in the field of Open Source. Registration for Call for participation (CFP) open till 30th Jan 2012.<br>
<br>For CFP Registration <a href=""></a><br>For other details, please visit <a href=""></a> or<br>Contact us via <a href=""></a><br>
<br><br><br>Regards<br>Sanket Prabhu<br>MSc (CA) - SICSR<br><br><br>