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<font face="Arial">Hello,<br>
Listing the properties of a figure with a recent Scilab release<br>
(2012-07-20), one can see that after the recently introduced<br>
<font face="Courier New, Courier, monospace">resizefcn = ""</font> <br>
property as a callback called when the window is resized, another new
</font><tt>closerequestfcn = ""</tt><font face="Arial"><br>
is now also listed.<br>
So, i am wondering about the fact that each action on the window<br>
should create a specific property, or not. Let's say that tomorrow<br>
a user claims for a callback to be used when the window is iconified,<br>
or when it is maximized, etc. Would we create other specific attributes<br>
</font><tt>iconifyfcn = ""<br>
maximizefcn = ""<br>
</tt><font face="Arial">etc..<br>
What about rather introducing a single callback with a list of
1st argument = name of the triggering action : "resize" "iconify"
"close" etc<br>
that would be called each time that one of these events will occur?<br>
Wouldn't it be a more general and more open solution?<br>
Hoping to read other contributions<br>
Best regards<br>
Samuel Gougeon<br>