Hi fellows, iam sorry if this is not the better place to this but i was unable to find/acess others.<br><br>Iam having problem to access bugzilla and Atoms account in which this e-mail is the login. I also have some bug to report, relating SciNotes, to report but cant access bugzilla in the moment.<br>
<br>For the Scinotes:<br><br>After extensive operations with large matrices and a lot of macro editing and saving, it stops to save macros and update the files, it did not had thrown anything to notice the bug.<br><br>My version:<br>
scilab-master-1341247028<br><br>in Ubuntu 12.04<br><br>thank you<br clear="all"><br>-- <br><b>Democracia Digital Direta<br>Informe-se:<br><br></b><a href="http://pontosdecultura.org.br/noticias/carta-democracia-direta-em-circulacao/" target="_blank">http://pontosdecultura.org.br/noticias/carta-democracia-direta-em-circulacao/</a><br>
<br><b>AfroAmbiental eh sociedade em Axe e Diversidade</b><br><br><a href="http://afroambiental.org" target="_blank">http://afroambiental.org</a><br><br>Daniel Penalva<br><br>State related activity, currently:<br>Phd - Physics in Institute for Theoretical Physics - <a href="http://www.ift.unesp.br/posgrad/ramais-alunos-pos.php" target="_blank">http://www.ift.unesp.br/posgrad/ramais-alunos-pos.php</a><br>
<br>Transparency portal(workflows): <a href="http://www.nightsc.com.br/aa/interface_v0.1.php" target="_blank">http://www.nightsc.com.br/aa/interface_v0.1.php</a> *look for SUoU9 user, or do ctrl+f and SUoU9*<br><br>FLOSS and related ideas enthusiastic<br>