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Hi again,<br>
After a check, it might even not be necessary to be offLine to
install it, atomsInstall("/path/to/your/package") works too.<br>
The toolbox skeleton is also available in your SCI+/contrib folder<br>
<div class="moz-cite-prefix">On 11/26/2012 02:02 PM, Simon GARESTE
<blockquote cite="mid:50B3685C.4080909@scilab-enterprises.com"
<meta content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"
With ATOMS, it's not much more complicated. <br>
You should develop your module following the structure of the <a
with an according description file. Once it's done, set your
scilab to offLine (atomsSetConfig("offLine", "True")), install
your package using atomsInstall
(atomsInstall("/path/to/your/zip-or-targz-file")), and load it
(atomsLoad("yourmodule")). <br>
Once the package is installed, you can set your Scilab back to
online (atomsSetConfig("offLine","False")). Note that if you
install a module while offLine, you must be offLine to uninstall
it, and vice versa.<br>
I will update the wiki pages to indicate this procedure. To create
your Scilab module, you can follow the indications <a
moz-do-not-send="true" href="https://wiki.scilab.org/ATOMS">here</a>
and <a moz-do-not-send="true"
Best regards,<br>
<div class="moz-cite-prefix">On 11/26/2012 01:50 PM,
jacques.beilin wrote:<br>
<blockquote cite="mid:50B3659D.7@ensg.eu" type="cite">Dear Scilab
users, <br>
I'm new to Scilab. At the moment I use gnu Octave but I need to
be able to use both for teaching purposes. <br>
I wrote Octave packages. I'm trying to transform them into
Scilab modules. I would like to write Scilab modules buts I do
not want to put them on ATOMS (at least for the moment). With
Octave it is easy because once the package structure is
followed, the package can be zipped (tar.gz) and installed using
the command "pkg install my_package.tar.gz". If Octave has been
started with sudo, the package is installed in
"/usr/local/share/octave/packages/" otherwise it is installed
only for the current user (in ~/octave/). <br>
Is there a equivalent procedure on Scilab ? I cannot find the
documentation about that. <br>
Best regards, <br>
Jacques <br>
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Simon Gareste
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Simon Gareste
Support & Development Engineer
Scilab Enterprises
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