Dear sir,<br><br>I would like to employ the AUTOMATIC function in GROCER toolbox to perform automatic regression starting with a rather LARGE set of variables and ending with the few that are most significant. However, I have noticed the following problems using the example attached:<br>
<br>1. Programme works with only 3 initial variables specified (see line 30 in attached file), which works, but line 31 with only 6 starting variables complains of TOO MANY EXOGENOUS VARIABLES<br>2. When it runs with 3 starting variables, the R2 value is not specified. How can I get this calculated and used.<br>
3. The help files included with the AUTOMATIC package does not seem to answer these questions.<br><br>ANY ASSISTANCE WILL BE GREATLY APPRECIATED<br><br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Samuel Ogbonna Enibe<br>BEng (Nig), MSc (Reading, England), PhD (Nig)<br>
Professor of Mechanical Engineering<br>Director, National Centre for Equipment Maintenance & Development<br>University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria<br>Tel: +2348063646798<br>Email: <a href=""></a><br>
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