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<p> </p>
<p>I'd like to add a characters string in a scilab plot. Using the "xstring()" function , I have to fix the positon of the text giving the X Y coordinates of the left bottom point of the box containing the text. I was wondring where was the origin position
and how to know which distance should be considered?</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Thanks for help,</p>
<p> </p>
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<td width="230"><b><font color="#59594D">Stephane BECU</b><br>
<font color="#A1D406">Tel:</font><font color="#59594D"> +33 4 38 49 59 01</font> <br>
<font color="#A1D406">Mobile:</font><font color="#59594D"> </font><br>
<font color="#A1D406"><a href="http://www.maya-technologies.com">www.maya-technologies.com</a></font><br>
<td width="210"><b>Maya technologies</b><br>
La Petite Halle<br>
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38 000 Grenoble<br>