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<DIV dir=ltr align=left><SPAN class=975011312-20092013><FONT color=#0000ff
size=2 face=Arial>I'm a complete newby on that topic, and have no idea about the
complexity of the issue ; ideally I would like to compare a photograph BEFORE
and AFTER a test in order to measure the differences (accurate enough
<DIV dir=ltr align=left><SPAN class=975011312-20092013><FONT color=#0000ff
size=2 face=Arial></FONT></SPAN> </DIV>
<DIV dir=ltr align=left><SPAN class=975011312-20092013><FONT color=#0000ff
size=2 face=Arial>through some documents I found on the net, it seems to be a
hard topic ...</FONT></SPAN></DIV>
<DIV dir=ltr align=left><SPAN class=975011312-20092013></SPAN> </DIV>
<DIV dir=ltr align=left><SPAN class=975011312-20092013><FONT color=#0000ff
size=2 face=Arial>Paul</FONT></SPAN></DIV><BR>
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<FONT size=2 face=Tahoma><B>De :</B> users-bounces@lists.scilab.org
[mailto:users-bounces@lists.scilab.org] <B>De la part de</B> Antoine
Monmayrant<BR><B>Envoyé :</B> vendredi 20 septembre 2013
14:11<BR><B>À :</B> International users mailing list for
Scilab.<BR><B>Objet :</B> Re: [Scilab-users] [PUB] Image
<DIV class=moz-cite-prefix>Le 20/09/13 13:58, Carrico, Paul a
écrit :<BR></DIV>
type="cite"><PRE wrap="">Dear all,
A personal reflexion: does somebody have ever used Scilab and tools for
image correlation (2D) ? typically for mechanical topics ...</PRE></BLOCKQUOTE>I
did it to illustrate some lessons on Fourier Transform and convolution
filtering.<BR>It's quite efficient.<BR>I think some of the image processing
toolboxes offer convolution filters dedicated to image filtering (for my lesson,
I imported my images as double matrices).<BR><BR>Antoine<BR>
type="cite"><PRE wrap="">
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