<div dir="ltr"><div><div><div><div><div><div><div><div>Hello Everyone,<br><br></div>We are a group of engineering students from IIT Delhi, India. I, myself took part in Google Summer Of Code 2012 under Scilab organization. <br>
<br></div>Working with scilab, i found out that there is a lot of information present in the archives of mailing list. Similarly a lot information is present on <a href="http://bugzilla.scilab.org" target="_blank">bugzilla.scilab.org</a>, scilab help, stackoverflow and other important resources and documentations.<br>
<br></div>What we aim is to structure and organize the information. The information present on web is -<br></div>1) Scattered (information related to scilab is present in different places)<br></div>2) Unstructured and unorganized<br>
</div>3) Unused (as in case of archives of scilab mailing list)<br></div></div><br><br><div><div><div><div><div><div>
<div><div>We have built a platform (<a href="http://www.daqwest.com" target="_blank">www.daqwest.com</a>) which aims at systematically tackling each of these issues and build an ideal format which leads to a cleaner, more organized and highly quality information.<br>
<br><br></div><div>For example, check out--> <a href="http://daqwest.com/quests/207/search?search=plot3d" target="_blank">http://daqwest.com/quests/207/search?search=plot3d </a><br></div><div>, <a href="http://daqwest.com/quests/207/search?search=call_scilab" target="_blank">http://daqwest.com/quests/207/search?search=call_scilab</a><br>
This leads to the platform which has definition, examples, results from the huge archives of mailing list, stackoverflow questions, bugzilla issues. And the related terms.<br><br></div><div>More --> <a href="http://daqwest.com/quests/207/search?search=installation%20problem" target="_blank">http://daqwest.com/quests/207/search?search=installation%20problem</a>, <a href="http://daqwest.com/quests/207/search?search=ilib_for_link" target="_blank">http://daqwest.com/quests/207/search?search=ilib_for_link</a><br>
</div><div><br><br></div><div>Similarly check out the maling list platform--> <a href="http://daqwest.com/quests/207/qs/2902" target="_blank">http://daqwest.com/quests/207/qs/2902</a><br>
</div><div><br></div><div>This is a thread on the subject "use of fsolve". There are tags on the right side which link this thread to other threads,bugs, stackoverflow questions. Moreover, by clicking on "fsolve", you can traverse through all the threads related to "fsolve".<br>
</div><div><br></div><div>There are a lot of interesting features of the mailing list platform -:<br></div><ul><li>Spam-free mailing list </li><li>Interactive User Interface</li><li>Beautiful and Responsive Editor</li><li>
Mails linked through tags</li><li>Send invites to join the Mailing List</li><li>Colored Code Blocks </li></ul><div><br></div><div>Join the scilab quest :)<br><br></div><div>Waiting for your feedbacks and suggestions !!! <br>
</div><div><br><br>Thanks and Regards<div>Prateek Papriwal</div><div>Daqwest Team<br></div>