<div dir="ltr">I try to develop some hardware which I want to connect to Xcos in Linux (simply DAQ).<div>Right now i write macro making a block in Xcos. I can put parameters to my C library and get date from (loopback). Right now i try to connect to usb/rs device using this library: <a href="http://www.teuniz.net/RS-232/">http://www.teuniz.net/RS-232/</a></div>
<div>And get this error:</div><div><div><br></div><div>!Oups. A fatal error has been detected by Scilab. !</div><div>! !</div><div>!Your instance will probably crash soon. !</div>
<div>! !</div><div>!Please report a bug on <a href="http://bugzilla.scilab.org/">http://bugzilla.scilab.org/</a> !</div><div>! !</div>
<div>!with: !</div><div>! !</div><div>!* a sample code which reproduces the issue !</div>
<div>! !</div><div>!* the result of [a, b] = getdebuginfo() !</div><div>! !</div>
<div>!* the following information: !</div><div>! !</div><div>![debian:10408] Signal: Segmentation fault (11) !</div>
<div>! !</div><div>![debian:10408] Signal code: Invalid permissions (2) !</div><div>! !</div>
<div>![debian:10408] Failing at address: 0x7f36042c1d10 !</div><div>! !</div><div>! !</div>
<div>! !</div><div>!Stos wywołań: !</div><div>! !</div>
<div>! 1: 0x7107eb < > (/opt/scilab-5.4.1/t!</div><div>! hirdparty/java//lib/amd64/server/libjvm.so) !</div><div>! !</div>
<div>! 2: 0x714350 <JVM_handle_linux_signal> (/opt/scilab-5.4.1/t!</div><div>! hirdparty/java//lib/amd64/server/libjvm.so) !</div><div>! !</div>
<div>! 3: 0x7106fe < > (/opt/scilab-5.4.1/t!</div><div>! hirdparty/java//lib/amd64/server/libjvm.so) !</div><div>! !</div>
<div>! 4: 0xf030 < > (/lib/x86_64-linux-g!</div><div>! nu/libpthread.so.0) !</div><div>! !</div>
<div>! 5: 0x190b <OpenComport> (/home/sasza/scilab/!</div><div>! LewitronInC3/src/c/liblewitron.so) !</div><div>! !</div>
<div>! 6: 0x139a <StartTransmision> (/home/sasza/scilab/!</div><div>! LewitronInC3/src/c/liblewitron.so) !</div><div>! !</div>
<div>! 7: 0x1235 <lewitron> (/home/sasza/scilab/!</div><div>! LewitronInC3/src/c/liblewitron.so) !</div><div>! !</div>
<div>! 8: 0x2852c <callf> (/opt/scilab-5.4.1/l!</div><div>! ib/scilab/libsciscicos.so) !</div><div>! !</div>
<div>! 9: 0x31919 <scicos_> (/opt/scilab-5.4.1/l!</div><div>! ib/scilab/libsciscicos.so) !</div></div><div><br></div><div>Becose i devide program into parts i can use the same source in standalone application - it's work perfectly.</div>
<div>The problem is probably permission to /dev/ttyUSB. I don't know exactly the structure of scilab, but i think that the java virtual machine not allowed to open comport. So the question is: how to workaround it? (for dirty solution i try to exectue evrything as root, but it has not effect :/ )</div>
<div>Any ideas?</div><div>Thanks for any replays</div><div>Piotr</div></div>