<div dir="ltr"><div><div><div><div> Hello All,<br></div> I've been used the Genetic Algorithm in Scilab 5.4.1 (with the optim_ga macro). After a lot of tests, I would like to report a strange behaviour. That is, from the second time that I ran the algorithm, I always note a time increment to get the results. For example, to optimize a schedule problem with 40 tasks, at the first time the results could be given in 5 minutes, but from the second time it will be much more than 5 min. (This time is only a example, ok?!)<br>
<br> I also noted that when I close the Scilab environment and start it again, I can get my results, for example, in the same 5 minutes. (But, I always will need close and start to get time and results (in terms of quality) corrects.)<br>
<br> So, my questions are:<br><br>1. What is happening with my Scilab?<br>2. Is that behaviour correct?<br>3. Somebody who works with optimization already had problems like this?<br><br></div> Thanks in advance for attention!<br>
<br></div> Best regards,<br></div> Eduardo.<br></div>