<html><body><div style="color:#000; background-color:#fff; font-family:HelveticaNeue, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, Lucida Grande, sans-serif;font-size:14pt"><div style="" class=""><span style="" class="">Hi,</span></div><div style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-size: 18.6667px; font-family: HelveticaNeue,Helvetica Neue,Helvetica,Arial,Lucida Grande,sans-serif; background-color: transparent; font-style: normal;"><br style="" class=""><span style="" class=""></span></div><div style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-size: 18.6667px; font-family: HelveticaNeue,Helvetica Neue,Helvetica,Arial,Lucida Grande,sans-serif; background-color: transparent; font-style: normal;"><span style="" class="">You can find a toolbox for Wavelets (called <a href="http://alex.nt.fh-koeln.de/wavelib.html">Wavelib</a>) and lessons based upon it on the following link:</span></div><div style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-size: 18.6667px; font-family: HelveticaNeue,Helvetica
Neue,Helvetica,Arial,Lucida Grande,sans-serif; background-color: transparent; font-style: normal;"><span style="" class="">http://alex.nt.fh-koeln.de/wavecourse.html</span></div><div style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-size: 18.6667px; font-family: HelveticaNeue,Helvetica Neue,Helvetica,Arial,Lucida Grande,sans-serif; background-color: transparent; font-style: normal;"><br><span style="" class=""></span></div><div class="yui_3_16_0_6_1408956050326_3" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-size: 18.6667px; font-family: HelveticaNeue,Helvetica Neue,Helvetica,Arial,Lucida Grande,sans-serif; background-color: transparent; font-style: normal;"><span style="" class="">Hereby is also the introduction tutorial for the toolbox.</span></div><div class="yui_3_16_0_6_1408956050326_3" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-size: 18.6667px; font-family: HelveticaNeue,Helvetica Neue,Helvetica,Arial,Lucida Grande,sans-serif; background-color: transparent; font-style: normal;"><span
style="" class="">Do not hesitate to give feedback and example about your usage.</span></div><div class="yui_3_16_0_6_1408956050326_3" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-size: 18.6667px; font-family: HelveticaNeue,Helvetica Neue,Helvetica,Arial,Lucida Grande,sans-serif; background-color: transparent; font-style: normal;"><br><span style="" class=""></span></div><div class="yui_3_16_0_6_1408956050326_3" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-size: 18.6667px; font-family: HelveticaNeue,Helvetica Neue,Helvetica,Arial,Lucida Grande,sans-serif; background-color: transparent; font-style: normal;"><span style="" class="">Sincerely yours</span></div><div style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-size: 18.6667px; font-family: HelveticaNeue,Helvetica Neue,Helvetica,Arial,Lucida Grande,sans-serif; background-color: transparent; font-style: normal;"><span style="" class="">Yann Debray<br style="" class=""></span></div> <div class="qtdSeparateBR"><br><br></div><div style="display:
block;" class="yahoo_quoted"> <div style="font-family: HelveticaNeue, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, Lucida Grande, sans-serif; font-size: 14pt;"> <div style="font-family: HelveticaNeue, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, Lucida Grande, sans-serif; font-size: 12pt;"> <div style="" class="" dir="ltr"> <font style="" class="" face="Arial" size="2"> Le Mercredi 20 août 2014 13h34, Sejal Shewaramani <sejal.shewaramani@gmail.com> a écrit :<br style="" class=""> </font> </div> <br style="" class=""><br style="" class=""> <div style="" class="">Hello,<br style="" class=""><br style="" class="">I am a complete newbie to Scilab and since 2 days I am cluelessly struggling<br style="" class="">to umderstand what is happening.<br style="" class="">I want to use an open source alternative of MATLAB , so I chose Scilab. <br style="" class="">Kindly note that I cant access Internet directly from the computer where I<br style="" class="">am working.<br
style="" class=""><br style="" class="">QUESTION:<br style="" class=""><br style="" class="">I want to decompose an image into its wavelet components. For that I have<br style="" class="">installed Scilab 5.5 successfully on my Windows PC. now I came to know that<br style="" class="">I need SIVP, SWT and OpenCV. <br style="" class="">I read everywhere that they have some GUI based installer for SIVP for<br style="" class="">Windows. But honestly i couldnt find one. I found only the zip file for<br style="" class="">SIVP. <br style="" class="">For SWT i have found some toolbox installer like<br style="" class="">swt1.0.1forscilab5.5windowsetup.exe, but in that I am getting dll error as<br style="" class="">my PC is 64 bit and I am unable to find a setup for that.<br style="" class="">Regarding opencv, i downloaded it, set the two envt variables as read. and<br style="" class="">further i dont know what is to be done. <br style="" class="">Any help would
be Appreciated. Please give me some way to get my software<br style="" class="">set up for what i am trying to do.<br style="" class=""><br style="" class=""><br style="" class=""><br style="" class="">--<br style="" class="">View this message in context: <a style="" class="" href="http://mailinglists.scilab.org/Regarding-Wavelet-ToolBox-for-Scilab-tp4031072.html" target="_blank">http://mailinglists.scilab.org/Regarding-Wavelet-ToolBox-for-Scilab-tp4031072.html</a><br style="" class="">Sent from the Scilab users - Mailing Lists Archives mailing list archive at Nabble.com.<br style="" class="">_______________________________________________<br style="" class="">users mailing list<br style="" class=""><a style="" class="" ymailto="mailto:users@lists.scilab.org" href="mailto:users@lists.scilab.org">users@lists.scilab.org</a><br style="" class=""><a style="" class="" href="http://lists.scilab.org/mailman/listinfo/users"
target="_blank">http://lists.scilab.org/mailman/listinfo/users</a><br style="" class=""><br style="" class=""><br style="" class=""></div> </div> </div> </div> </div></body></html>