.hmmessage P
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<body class='hmmessage'><div dir='ltr'>I have a Java class that has a very long method name. When using the method, Scilab will give a warning and truncates the method to fit 24 characters. As a result, I will get an error saying that it is an invalid field. Is there a way to overcome this? Thanks. <br><br>--> A = MyClass.new()<br>--> B = A.thisIsAVeryVeryLongMethodName(5)<br>Warning :<br>The identifier : thisIsAVeryVeryLongMethodName<br> has been truncated to: thisIsAVeryVeryLongMetho.<br><br> !--error 999 <br>%_EObj_e: An error occurred: Exception when calling Java method : Invalid field ThisIsAVeryVeryLongMetho<br> at org.scilab.modules.external_objects_java.ScilabJavaObject.extract(Unknown Source)<br>Invalid field ThisIsAVeryVeryLongMetho<br> at org.scilab.modules.external_objects_java.ScilabJavaObject.extract(Unknown Source)<br><br> </div></body>