// test function variometer2 clc; clear() LIB_DIR = 'F:\Philipp\Scilab_Uebungen\analoge_displays\headalt'; //--> you may change this path to your purpose // load subfunction exec(LIB_DIR + '\HeadAlt.sci',-1); // note: take care that heading and altitude are of same size // define the heading data heading1 = linspace(0,360,41); heading2 = linspace(359,270,41); heading3 = linspace(269,0,81); heading = [heading1 heading2 heading3] // define the altitude data values alt1 = linspace(0,1000,41); alt2 = linspace(1001,3000,41); alt3 = linspace(2999,0,81); altitude = [alt1 alt2 alt3]; HeadAlt (heading, 'Heading [°]', altitude,'ALT [m]');