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<font face="Arial">Hello,<br>
</font><font face="Arial"><br>
<b>uman</b> is a <b>U</b>nified display command of the Scilab
User <b>MAN</b>ual. It is a general purpose<br>
function that might be useful for every Scilab user and developer.</font><br>
<font face="Arial"><b>uman</b> </font><font face="Arial"> 1.2 is
just released on ATOMS (web and Scilab interface).</font><font
face="Arial"> Install it and enjoy!<br>
</font><font face="Arial"><font face="Arial"> </font><font
face="Arial"> <b>Pointers</b> : <br>
* ATOMS page : <a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://atoms.scilab.org/toolboxes/uman">http://atoms.scilab.org/toolboxes/uman</a><br>
* </font> Help (en): <a
* Help (fr) : <a
<font face="Arial"><br>
</font><b>Main features</b> : <br>
* A single function to see help pages from Scilab, from installed
ATOMS modules (no need<br>
to load them), from other external modules, and heading
comments in functions. Around<br>
50 external references available on the Scilab FileExchange can
also be addressed.<br>
* A single function to target and display contents in text mode
in the console, or as usual <br>
in the help browser, or as well online (help, bugzilla, atoms,
forge, or even external websites).<br>
<b>uman</b> aims to embrace as many Scilab ressources as
* Just give a language code en | de | fr | ja | pt | ru | zh in
option, and you get the<br>
right version of the page in the console or online. No need to
change the session's<br>
language. Watching the reference en_US version of the page is
now straightforward,<br>
without leaving your locales.<br>
* Just display main infos in brief: path in help, calling
sequences, parameters, See<br>
also. And be free to display more on request: description,
examples, history, parent<br>
ToC... Or finally display the whole page with the "a" option.
It is so easy to copy/past<br>
pieces of examples from the console... to the console!<br>
* Are you used to use another scientific language? Almost 200
automatic redirections will<br>
target the right or nearest Scilab equivalence for you. Other
handy shortcuts are also <br>
defined for all users.<br>
* Stucked with a bug? The "wb" option lets you list documented
ones related to the<br>
faulty entry, for Scilab and many ATOMS packages. Online users
comments have<br>
never been so easily reachable.<br>
* Last but not least: get a smart text layout in console. Nested
lists of items, tables,<br>
pieces of codes, notes and warnings, text styles.. are
supported. The code style of<br>
calling sequences and examples is also improved.<br>
<b>Supported OS</b> : Windows, Linux and Mac OS, with Scilab
5.5 and Scilab 6.<br>
<b>uman</b> has been extensively tested for Windows, a few
tested for Linux, and is<br>
almost untested for Mac OS. Issues may be reported in comments
on the ATOMS <br>
page. Please have a look to the list of known limitations before
</font><font face="Arial">Try <b>uman</b>, and adopt it ;)<br>
Best regards<br>
Samuel Gougeon<br>