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<div class="moz-cite-prefix">Le 16/02/2016 12:21, <a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href="mailto:amonmayr@laas.fr">amonmayr@laas.fr</a> a
écrit :<br>
<blockquote cite="mid:56C30628.9050505@laas.fr" type="cite">
<meta content="text/html; charset=windows-1252"
<div class="moz-cite-prefix">Le 02/16/2016 11:55 AM, Eric Dubois a
écrit :<br>
<div dir="ltr">
<p class="MsoNormal" style="margin-bottom:0.0001pt"><span
lang="EN-US">More worrying still, not all additions or
subtractions involving null matrices will generate
errors when switching from Scilab 5 or older to Scilab
6: for example, z=size([a+1 y],1) applied to the null
matrix a will simply add 1 in Scilab 6 to the result of
Scilab 5, without generating errors. </span></p>
It does:<br>
--> a=[]; y = 3; z=size([a+1 y],1) <br>
operation +: Warning adding a matrix with the empty matrix will give
an empty matrix result.<br>
z = <br>
<blockquote cite="mid:56C30628.9050505@laas.fr" type="cite">
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<p class="MsoNormal" style="margin-bottom:0.0001pt"><span
lang="EN-US">The attentive user will be alerted by the
warning message generated by Scilab 6, but the
inattentive one may not notice it or fully understand
its consequences. </span></p>
This is why, fortunately, unworkaroundly, a new <tt>warning("stop")</tt>
synopsis has been implemented. Announcements and Releases notes
failed announcing and stressing on it:<br>
<pre style="font-style: normal; font-size: 12px;"><tt><span style="color:rgb(0,0,0);">warning</span></tt><tt> </tt><tt><span style="color:rgb(0,0,0);">stop</span></tt><tt>
</tt><tt><span style="color:rgb(176,24,19);">function</span></tt><tt> </tt><tt><span style="color:rgb(0,0,0);">test</span></tt><tt><span style="color:rgb(74,85,219);">(</span></tt><tt><span style="color:rgb(74,85,219);">)</span></tt><tt>
</tt><tt><span style="color:rgb(0,0,0);">a</span></tt><tt><span style="color:rgb(92,92,92);">=</span></tt><tt><span style="color:rgb(74,85,219);">[</span></tt><tt><span style="color:rgb(74,85,219);">]</span></tt><tt><span style="color:rgb(0,0,0);">;</span></tt><tt> </tt><tt><span style="color:rgb(0,0,0);">y</span></tt><tt> </tt><tt><span style="color:rgb(92,92,92);">=</span></tt><tt> </tt><tt><span style="color:rgb(188,143,143);">3</span></tt><tt><span style="color:rgb(0,0,0);">;</span></tt><tt> </tt><tt><span style="color:rgb(0,0,0);">z</span></tt><tt><span style="color:rgb(92,92,92);">=</span></tt><tt><span style="color:rgb(0,0,0);">size</span></tt><tt><span style="color:rgb(74,85,219);">(</span></tt><tt><span style="color:rgb(74,85,219);">[</span></tt><tt><span style="color:rgb(0,0,0);">a</span></tt><tt><span style="color:rgb(92,92,92);">+</span></tt><tt><span style="color:rgb(188,143,143);">1</span></tt><tt> </tt><tt><span style="color:rgb(0,0,0);">y</span></tt><tt><span sty
le="color:rgb(74,85,219);">]</span></tt><tt><span style="color:rgb(0,0,0);">,</span></tt><tt><span style="color:rgb(188,143,143);">1</span></tt><tt><span style="color:rgb(74,85,219);">)</span></tt><tt>
</tt><tt><span style="color:rgb(176,24,19);">endfunction</span></tt><tt>
</tt><tt><span style="color:rgb(0,0,0);">test</span></tt><tt><span style="color:rgb(74,85,219);">(</span></tt><tt><span style="color:rgb(74,85,219);">)
<font color="#000000">--> warning stop
--> function test()
> a=[]; y = 3; z=size([a+1 y],1)
> endfunction
--> test()
operation +: Warning adding a matrix with the empty matrix will give an empty matrix result.
at line 2 of function test
*** Execution stopped after a warning. ***
Set warning("on") to continue execution after a warning.
<span style="color:rgb(74,85,219);"><font color="#000000">Again and
again and again, more and more publicity MUST be done about how
to translate Scilab 5 code and modules into SCilab 6 code and
<span style="color:rgb(74,85,219);"><font color="#000000">For the
moment, S/E fails on that.</font></span><br>
<span style="color:rgb(74,85,219);"></span><br>
<blockquote cite="mid:56C30628.9050505@laas.fr" type="cite">
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<p class="MsoNormal" style="margin-bottom:0.0001pt"><span
lang="EN-US">Don’t other Scilab users share my concern?</span></p>
Sure i did. This is why i claimed for a warning, and for a way to
get the where() trace.<br>
<blockquote cite="mid:56C30628.9050505@laas.fr" type="cite">
<div dir="ltr">
<div> </div>
Le 16/02/2016 12:21, <a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href="mailto:amonmayr@laas.fr">amonmayr@laas.fr</a> a écrit :<br>
Well, I understand your concern.<br>
However, I buy the fact that this change will make the language
more consistent.<br>
Indeed, "ms=m+s" where m is a matrix and s a scalar gives a matrix
ms of same size than m in most cases (ie when m is not empty).<br>
It thus makes sense that adding a scalar to an empty matrix
returns an empty matrix.<br>
This is also the default behavior with other similar languages
like octave, matlab, julia, so it makes sense.<br>
I think the old behavior was kind of weird.<br>
But you are right that this is a major change that will introduce
subtle and hard to find bugs.<br>
We should keep in mind that it's a major change (5.x->6.x) </blockquote>
This is why IMO all major changes should be done now, not postponed
for Scilab 6.x. For my part, i will refuse reviewing all my codes
several times after 6.0.<br>
For instance : <a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://bugzilla.scilab.org/14287">http://bugzilla.scilab.org/14287</a> should be fixed
before the final 6.0 release, or tagged WONTFIX.<br>
<blockquote cite="mid:56C30628.9050505@laas.fr" type="cite">and I
think the last one (4.x->5.x) was even worse in terms of
backward compatibility!<br>
I don't think so, by far. The new graphical system -- that was the
main change -- was already implemented in 4. As far as i remember,
5. mainly removed the old graphical system that was still supported
in addition to the new one (by the way, there are still some traces
of the oldies... For instance, xset() is still unremoved, in 95%
duplicate of set() that was introduced (but still with some features
unported to set()) ).<br>
Samuel Gougeon<br>