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<font face="Arial">Hello,<br>
I am pretty sure that an horizontal iterator was recently
implemented for the format <br>
used within mprintf(), but i am failing to find any information
about how to use it.<br>
Or am i getting confused with this feature described in the<i>
help print_conver</i><i>sion</i> page:<br>
<div class="refsection">
<p class="para"> "A field width or precision can be indicated by
an <code class="literal">*</code> (asterisk) instead of a digit
string. <br>
In this case, an integer <code class="literal">value</code>
parameter supplies the field width or precision. <br>
The <code class="literal">value</code> parameter converted for
output is not fetched until the conversion <br>
letter is reached, so the parameters specifying field width or
precision must <br>
appear before the value to be converted (if any)."</p>
<font face="Arial">?<br>
By the way, i did not find any examples for any of both features
in help pages <br>
of m*print() functions.<br>
Thanks for any help<br>
Samuel Gougeon<br>