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<div>plot2d (a, b, logflag = "ln")</div><div><br></div><div>Look at help for plot2d for details. </div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div id="composer_signature"><div style="font-size:85%;color:#575757">Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE smartphone</div></div><br><br>-------- Original message --------<br>From: scilab.20.browseruk@xoxy.net <br>Date: 03/31/2016 4:38 PM (GMT-07:00) <br>To: users@lists.scilab.org <br>Subject: Re: [Scilab-users] Running an .sce from the command line. message 9
of 20) <br><br>Samuel,<br><br>Thanks. I had to do it in two steps:<br><br> f = gcf();<br> f.closerequestfcn="exit(0)";<br><br>otherwise I get:<br><br> gcf().closerequestfcn="exit(0)";<br> !--error 2<br> Invalid factor.<br><br>The focus still returns to the command line console pushing the graphics window into the background and meaning I have to go looking for it to see the plot; but when I close it the console exits back to the OS.<br><br>Next problem, that should probably be a new thread: How to avoid the Singularity of log function from preventing the script completing if the data contains zeros?<br><br>I'm doing:<br><br> plot( log10( a ), b );<br><br>To produce the log plot. <br><br><br><br>> -----Original Message-----<br>> From: scilab.browseruk.bb30c473ec.sgougeon#free.fr@ob.0sg.net<br>> Sent: Thu, 31 Mar 2016 21:09:20 +0200<br>> To: users@lists.scilab.org<br>> Subject: Re: [Scilab-users] Running an .sce from the command line.<br>> (scilab: message 9 of 20)<br>> <br>> Hello,<br>> <br>> Le 31/03/2016 20:35, scilab.20.browseruk@xoxy.net a écrit :<br>>> Hi,<br>>> <br>>> I can run my .sce file which produces a graph from a file of data from<br>>> the (windows) command line using:<br>>> <br>>> scilex -f myscript.sce filename.rdat<br>>> <br>>> and that works except:<br>>> <br>>> Once the plot() executes and the graphic window appears, control and<br>>> focus returns to the interactive command line.<br>> Scilab's console, i guess not the shell terminal.<br>> <br>>> That's okay; but it'd would be really nice if the focus remained on the<br>>> graphic window until it was closed and then the scilab shell exited<br>>> automatically.<br>> Graphics are not modal: AFAIK it is not possible to lock the console<br>> with a figure until the figure is closed (or until any other event)(you<br>> could use a for loop waiting for an event ; but it won't reject CTRL-C<br>> interruptions).<br>> However, to close automatically Scilab when the figure is closed, you<br>> may add the following in your script:<br>> gcf().closerequestfcn="exit(0)";<br>> <br>> HTH<br>> Samuel<br>> <br>> _______________________________________________<br>> users mailing list<br>> users@lists.scilab.org<br>> http://lists.scilab.org/mailman/listinfo/users<br><br>____________________________________________________________<br>Can't remember your password? Do you need a strong and secure password?<br>Use Password manager! It stores your passwords & protects your account.<br>Check it out at http://mysecurelogon.com/manager<br><br><br><br>_______________________________________________<br>users mailing list<br>users@lists.scilab.org<br>http://lists.scilab.org/mailman/listinfo/users<br></body></html>