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Hello Scilab user,
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We would like to develop Scilab further in specific fields such as
<b>Control System</b> and that starts by making Scilab features
clearer. For now the <a moz-do-not-send="true"
online help</a> is quite hard to operate. So, we are beginning
to organize it starting with the control system (<a
features. Here is a first shot:<br>
<strong>LTI model generation and manipulation</strong><br>
# Discrete and continuous time<br>
# State-space and transfer function representations<br>
<strong>Analyzing model</strong><br>
# Evans for root locus<br>
# Steady state error<br>
# Bode, Nyquist and Black<br>
# Time, frequency response<br>
<strong>Designing and tuning control systems</strong><br>
#PID, LQG tuning<br>
It is incomplete and obviously superficial. That is why we need a
competent opinion.<br>
--> Please give us feedback about how you would like it to be
organized ;)<br>
Yann Debray<br>
For the Scilab Team<br>