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Dear Frieder,<br>
My first reflex is to dodge the questions you are asking and to use
a simpler approach instead:<br>
Call the y-axis 'n/(10^3U/min), P/MW, a/(10m/s^2)' and plot the
values into one <b>single</b> diagram over 't/h' which is
calculated as (T-int(T))*24. Note that dividing the quantity by its
unit gives the number shown at the axis. This is a widely accepted
convention to draw axes and clearer than 'P in MW' oder 'P [MW]'. I
think the diagram would look quite nice.<br>
<div class="moz-cite-prefix">Am 30.09.2016 13:23, schrieb Frieder
type="cite">Dear Jens,
there is not much to be confused about. I have attached my
Diagramms with that Code but real data. The mininmal example is
just crap, because of the random Matrix A.
The Grafik-Fenster Nummer 100000 is only for choosing the
Intervall of intrest. The 100001 is the detail to look at. It's
just about a vehicle dooing shunting. I will include the
possiblilty to choose the paramater you want to look at. Right now
turn per minute and power arn't that useful.
Best regards
Am 30.09.2016 11:48, schrieb Jens Simon Strom:
<blockquote type="cite">Dear Frieder,
It looks like you would like to put plenty of information into
single diagram. This tends to become confusing and difficult to
It would help your helpers if you enclosed a (manual) sketch how
final result of your visualisation should look like. And perhaps
could trigger you to review the layout of what you plan to plot.
Am 30.09.2016 11:27, schrieb Frieder Nikolaisen:
<blockquote type="cite">I did forgott one Point:
My data Looks like:
Drehzahl Cv-Druck Richtung Lokbremse anlegen
Lokbremse lösen Zugbremse anlegen Zugbremse lösen
Kupplung betätigt Bremsen aktiv
03.04.2012 08:49:20.090 46476.4940 0.00 478.61
0.53 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
03.04.2012 09:42:42.120 46476.4940 0.00 1150.71
0.24 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
04.04.2012 12:13:15.910 46482.9710 15.10 1344.19
0.49 1 1 1 1 1 0 1
I want to plot some paramters over the time. I used datenum -
but then the Diagramm cant be read easy. How could I print the
time instead of Serial date number on the axes as well as the
row number? (plotxxyyy x1=real time in DD MM YY HH MM SS,
x2=row number and yyy)
I do read These file in a Matrix, I add some more paramters
and print:
Zeit Distanz Geschwindigkeit 1 Drehzahl
Getriebeausgangsleistung [Watt] Zugkraft [N]
Beschleunigung [m/s^2] Cv-Druck Richtung
Lokbremse anlegen Lokbremse lösen Zugbremse anlegen
Zugbremse lösen Kupplung betätigt Bremsen aktiv
734962.404654 46476.494 0.00 1150.71 141700 0
0.00 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
734962.404900 46476.494 0.00 1059.06 110500 0
0.00 0 0 1 0 1 0 0
For beeing used in a secound Programm.
Best regards
-------- Originalnachricht --------
Betreff: [Scilab-users] plotxxyyy
Datum: 30.09.2016 11:17
Absender: Frieder Nikolaisen
<a class="moz-txt-link-rfc2396E" href="mailto:Frieder.Nikolaisen@student.hs-rm.de"><Frieder.Nikolaisen@student.hs-rm.de></a>
Empfänger: Users mailing list for Scilab
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Hello everybody,
with you help I got my programm so far running pretty well.
Now I have trouble again with the plotting. I used the
demos_gui plotyyy, but want now the plotxxyyy. How to
implement xx? I attach my minimal example with a random
Matrix, instead of the real one I use.
This programm will be used at my theses. So I want to do
correct quotes. I am used how to do this a text, but how is it
done in a programm?
I do get Errors, if I do not open the example plotyyy - is
this really necessary?
" plotyyy=uigetfile('plotyyy.dem.sce'); mopen(plotyyy)
Best regards
Frieder Nikolaisen
The minimal Code:
//Write your callback for Diagramm here
//Dieser Code und geistiges Eigentum von Samuel GOUGEON wird
geändert und angepasst von Frieder Nikolaisen (FN), bleibt in
seinen Grundzügen jedoch erhalten
// Scilab ( <a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://www.scilab.org/">http://www.scilab.org/</a> ) - This file is part of
// Copyright (C) 2010 Samuel GOUGEON
// Copyright (C) 2010 - DIGITEO - Allan CORNET
// This file is released under the 3-clause BSD license. See
function demo_plotyyy()
plotyyy=uigetfile('plotyyy.dem.sce') // hinzugefügt von
FN (changed by Frieder Nikolaisen)
mopen(plotyyy) // hinzugefügt von FN
// A plotyyy() example:
//<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://bugzilla.scilab.org/show_bug.cgi?id=6070">http://bugzilla.scilab.org/show_bug.cgi?id=6070</a>
my_handle = scf(100000);
// Preparing data
x = A(:,1); //Serial Date Number geändert
durch FN (changed by Frieder Nikolaisen)
y2 = A(:,5); //Leistung geändert
durch FN
y3 = A(:,7) //Beschleunigung geändert
durch FN
// Axis y1
y1=A(:,4); //Drehzahl geändert
durch FN
xtitle([gettext("Leistung, Drehzahl und Beschleunigung");"
gettext("Serial Date Numbers"),gettext("Drehzahl in
U/min")); // geändert durch FN
// Axis y2
ylabel("Leistung in Watt","color",[0 0 1]) // geändert
durch FN
// na.axes_reverse(2)="on";
// Axis y3
na.foreground=c; // Axis and ticks
na.font_color=c; // Labels's color
ylabel("Beschleunigung in m/s","color",[1 0 0]) //
geändert durch FN
na.filled="off"; // Transparent
background, letting the first plot appearing
na.axes_visible(1)="off"; // Masking the x
axis (useless overlay)
na.y_location="right"; // Y axis on the
right side
na.children(1).children(1).thickness=2; // Curve thickness
clear demo_plotyyy;
// Code von Samuel GOUGEON endet
set(handles.Anzeige, 'string','Ausgangsdiagramm erstellt')
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