mode(0) clear all; // This code has been freely adapted from the one of Eli Billauer // // // Axes of progress : // - determination if the first extrema is a peak or a valley / currently the assumption has been made that is a peak (use of filtering to smooth the curve and then determine if versmax is initialy %t) // - does vectorization possible (at least a difficult to implement) ? // - use of moving average curves? function [max_vector,min_vector,status] = peak_valley_searh(vect, tol, lower_limit, upper_limit) status = 0; // verifications [nl,nc] = size(vect); N = size(vect,"*"); if ( argn(2) < 2) then printf("Not enough input argument => the calculation stops !\n"); status = 1; elseif ( (nl <> N) & (nc <> N) ) then printf("the input vector has not the correct dimension - it must be a row or column vector !\n"); status = 1; elseif (tol <= 0.) then printf("Tolerance must strictly be positive i.e. greater than 0 - the calculation stops !\n"); status = 1; else // program beginning // variables initialization // min_vector and max_vector have initially the same size than vect (avoiding dynamic allocation) ; lzeros will be removed at the last stage max_vector = zeros(N,2); min_vector = zeros(N,2); tempo_min = %inf; tempo_max = -%inf; position_min = %nan; position_max = %nan; versmax = %t; // Mean assymption here (but not necessary true: the first extremum is a peak => need to be improved for i = 1 : N current_point = vect(i); if (current_point > tempo_max ) then tempo_max = current_point; position_max = i; end if (current_point < tempo_min) then tempo_min = current_point; position_min = i; end if (versmax == %t) then if (current_point < (tempo_max - tol)) then max_vector(i,1) = position_max; max_vector(i,2) = tempo_max; tempo_min = current_point; position_min = i; versmax = %f; // now the next extremum is a valley end else if (current_point > (tempo_min + tol)) then min_vector(i,1) = position_min; min_vector(i,2) = tempo_min; tempo_max = current_point; position_max = i; versmax = %t; // // now the next extremum is a peak end end status = 0; end // zeros values are removed ind = find(max_vector(:,1) == 0 ); max_vector(ind,:) = []; clear ind; ind = find(min_vector(:,1) == 0 ); min_vector(ind,:) = []; clear ind; // all the peaks above the upper limit are removed if (upper_limit <> %f) then ind = find(max_vector(:,2) > upper_limit ); max_vector(ind,:) = []; clear ind; end //all the valleys bellow the upper limit are removed if (lower_limit <> %f) then ind = find(min_vector(:,2) < lower_limit ); min_vector(ind,:) = []; clear ind; end end endfunction ni = 0; ns=20; stp = 0.001; t=[ni:stp:ns]'; n = (ns/stp)+1; x=0.3*sin(t) + sin(1.3*t) + 0.9*sin(4.2*t) + 0.02*rand(n,1,"normal"); //lower_limit = %f; //upper_limit =%f; lower_limit = -0.4; upper_limit = 0.8; tol = 0.5; // function call [max_vector,min_vector,status] = peak_valley_searh(x, tol,lower_limit,upper_limit); scf(1); drawlater(); xgrid(3); f = gcf(); //f f.figure_size = [1000, 1000]; f.background = color(255,255,255); a = gca(); //a a.font_size = 2; a.x_label.text = "X axis" ; a.x_location="bottom"; a.x_label.font_angle=0; a.x_label.font_size = 4; a.y_label.text = "Y axis"; a.y_location="left"; a.y_label.font_angle=-90; a.Y_label.font_size = 4; a.title.text = "Title"; a.title.font_size = 5; a.line_style = 1; // début des courbes plot(t,x); e1 = gce(); p1 = e1.children; p1.thickness = 1; p1.line_style = 1; p1.foreground = 2; n = size(min_vector,"*"); if (n <> 0) then plot(t(min_vector(:,1)), min_vector(:,2)); e2 = gce(); p2 = e2.children; p2.thickness = 2; p2.line_mode = "off"; // line is desactivated -> only marks are plotted p2.mark_mode="on"; p2.mark_style = 14; p2.mark_size_unit="tabulated"; p2.mark_size = 5; p2.mark_foreground = 3; p2.mark_background = 0; // 0 = transparent end n = size(max_vector,"*"); if (n <> 0) then plot(t(max_vector(:,1)), max_vector(:,2)); e3 = gce(); p3 = e3.children; p3.thickness = 2; p3.line_mode = "off"; p3.mark_mode="on"; p3.mark_style = 10; p3.mark_size_unit="tabulated"; p3.mark_size=3; p3.mark_foreground = 5; p3.mark_background = 0; // 0 = transparent end if (lower_limit <> %f) then lineinf = [t(1) lower_limit ; t($) lower_limit]; plot(lineinf(:,1), lineinf(:,2)); e4 = gce(); p4 = e4.children; p4.line_mode = "on"; p4.thickness = 2; p4.line_style = 3; // dash line p4.foreground = 6; end if (upper_limit <> %f) then linesup = [t(1) upper_limit ; t($) upper_limit]; plot(linesup(:,1), linesup(:,2)); e5 = gce(); p5 = e5.children; p5.line_mode = "on"; p5.thickness = 2; p5.line_style = 3; // dash lines p5.foreground = 1; end noms_courbes = ["Courbe" "Valleys" "Peaks" "Lower limit" "Upper limit"]; // add of the legend legend(noms_courbes,pos=1) drawnow(); xs2png(1,'peak_search.png');