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<div class="moz-cite-prefix">Hello David,<br>
Le 18/07/2017 à 15:12, David Chèze a écrit :<br>
<blockquote cite="mid:1500383568442-4036756.post@n3.nabble.com"
<pre wrap="">Hi Samuel,
did you find a workaround to make the stixbox 2.5 module running on scilab 6
in the end? I submitted bug at bugzilla (scilab side) and on the forge
(stixbox module) on this specific issue but did not receive any comments
since then.</pre>
Yes: stixbox crashes because all .bin files have been removed after
genlib()ing it and before packaging it as a loadable and runnable
So, the library is well loaded by stixbox.start, but then, at the
first call of any binless macro, it crashes.<br>
Workaround: Do the following once. It will then be ok forever:<br>
// after loading it:<br>
<pre class="issue-comment-text">[?,path] = libraryinfo("stixboxlib");
cwd = pwd();
genlib stixboxlib
and then use it as expected.