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<div class="moz-cite-prefix">Le 17/08/2017 à 11:10, Samuel Gougeon a
écrit :<br>
<blockquote cite="mid:95c46ee8-c789-59aa-bad0-26b284de4943@free.fr"
<meta content="text/html; charset=windows-1252"
<div class="moz-cite-prefix">Hi Hermes,<br>
Le 17/08/2017 à 10:31, Hermes a écrit :<br>
<blockquote cite="mid:1502958696069-4036889.post@n3.nabble.com"
<pre wrap="">Hi Samuel,
Good morning, please guide me how to update scilab so I can use the update
function: vectorfind.
I have writw access to Scilab installation directory
There are several ways to include it in Scilab. All ways require
first to download vectorfind.sci:<br>
<li>Go here: <a moz-do-not-send="true"
<li>Click on the vectorfind.sci line</li>
<li>On the right green panel, click on the download icon ending
the list of <i>Patch Set</i>, at the (not very) top of the
panel. Unzip and save the .sci as <i>vectorfind.sci</i>
somewhere on your disk.</li>
<p>Then, if you just want to test vectorfind(), you must just do:</p>
<p><tt>--> exec("path/to/vectorfind.sci",-1);</tt></p>
<p>This will redefine it. But any<tt> clear</tt> instruction can
remove it (and automatically restore the default version).<br>
You can do that in your personal startup file:<br>
<tt>--> edit SCIHOME/scilab.ini</tt><br>
<tt>--> // Then add the exec(..) instruction, providing an
absolute path, and save.</tt><tt><br>
</tt><tt>--> // You will have then the new vectorfind for
each forthcoming Scilab session,<br>
--> // but still proned to erasing with "clear".<br>
--> // You may also use</tt></p>
<p><tt>--> getd("path/to/vectorfind/dir")<br>
<p><tt>--> // instead of the exec() instruction. See help
<p>If you wish to have it protected against "<tt>clear</tt>", you
must <br>
Arrr.., as usual, the proposed way is not enough to actually protect
it in its own <b>vectorfindlib</b> library, because the <b>vectorfindlib</b>
variable should be protected as well, and <a
is not possible</a>.<br>
So, the only protected solution would be to really replace
vectorfind.sci in its SCI/modules/elementary_functions/macros native
directory, and recompile the library (been scilab admin):<br>
<li>// save the default vectorfind.sci in a tmp dir (renaming as
vectorfind_.sci is not enough)<br>
// replace it with the new proposed one<br>
// Then<br>
<tt>predef clear</tt><tt><br>
</tt><tt><tt>path = SCI+"/modules/elementary_functions/macros";</tt><tt><br>
</tt>genlib("elementary_functionslib", path) // in Scilab
</tt><tt><tt>// genlib("elementary_functionslib", path, %T) //
in Scilab 5<br>
// Then restart Scilab. It should be OK</li>